David Jayne is Clinical Co-Director for the HealthTech Research Centre in Accelerated Surgical Care. He is Professor of Surgery at the University of Leeds and Honorary Consultant Surgeon at the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust. He brings expertise in the identification of unmet needs related to colorectal disease, the development of surgical technologies through interdisciplinary working, and clinical translation through early and late phase clinical trials.
In 2012, he was awarded an NIHR Research Professorship to develop and evaluated new surgical technologies for patients with bowel cancer. He served as Clinical Director for the NIHR HealthTech Co-operative in Colorectal Therapies (2012-17) and Clinical Director for the current MedTech Co-operative (MIC) in Surgical Technologies (2017-23). He is the Surgical Technologies Theme Lead for the Leeds Biomedical Research Centre and a member of the NIHR Surgical Oncology Translational Research Centre.
David has a long track record of developing junior academic colleagues. He is Deputy ATPD for Surgery in the Yorkshire and Humber Deanery (2014-). He has served on the following training awards committees: national NIHR IAT Awards (2012-2018); NIHR DRF (2012-15); NIHR Clinician Scientist (2015-18), NIHR i4i PDA (2019-). He currently serves on the NIHR Advanced Fellowship committee (2018-). He was Co-Director of the NIHR Advanced Surgical Technologies Incubator (2020-23) with the remit to build national surgical research capacity and capability for medical and other healthcare professional researchers. He is mentor for AMS and NIHR Academy.