NWSTC Surgical Workshop Sandpit Day (Nov2024)

Universitiy of Manchester Manchester

We are delighted to share the details of the upcoming North West Surgical Trial Centre (NWSTC) - Surgical Workshop Sandpit Day. 'Bring your ideas to the table' an opportunity for you

Statistical issues in the design and analysis of research projects

University of Liverpool The Library Room - Liverpool Guild of Students, Liverpool, United Kingdom

Course overview This three-day course will give delegates an excellent grounding in the basics of biomedical statistics, as well as provide a detailed introduction to other courses offered by the

Innovations In Peripheral Vascular Disease

Microsoft Teams

This expert-led session, introduced by Tim Lane, Editor-In-Chief of Surgery International, will feature an international panel of leading vascular surgeons and interventional radiologists who will discuss cutting-edge endovascular practices and the evolving landscape

Introduction to R

University of Liverpool The Library Room - Liverpool Guild of Students, Liverpool, United Kingdom

This course is aimed at researchers who require a basic understanding of R software as part of their research studies. It is suitable for those who have no previous experience